Tuesday, January 29, 2013

30 days of motivation!

I want to offer up a 30 day challenge. My 45th Anniversary of being on this planet has come and gone! I am okay with who I am. I like myself, but I could stand with some improvements. So, I'm going to challenge myself to become someone new. I love myself, but I want to be more. So, I'm going to challenge myself to become someone new. The road to someplace different means you need to change the direction your heading in. Tip one, when changing your diet patterns instead of saying, you can't (which implies failure) say you don't (which implies dedication). I don't drink soda (diet or otherwise). Tip two, simple physics, "A body in motion stays in motion." Is there a reason you feel drained after sitting for 8 hours in front of the computer? Um, yeah, cause your not doing anything, get up and move around! Did you ever notice when little ones start to get tired and are fighting sleep because they are having so much fun? They refuse to sit still. They bounce, they fidget, the get LOUD, but above all they keep moving. So get LOUD! Bounce around, fidget, tap your foot, do stretches, buy a tall mobile desk if you have to stay in front of your computer. Tip three, supplement. Find out if you have any deficiencies. My chiropractor, Tip three, picture yourself healthy, waaay back in the times of little polka dot bikini's our predecessors told us to glue a picture of our head onto the body of what we want to look like. I say don't do that because vision is so distorted, as is self image. Do, however, picture yourself stretching farther (while your stretching too), running harder, feeling better. Feel yourself healthy, put that picture in your mind. I'm going to stop right there for today, I'm off to do my training for the 5k this spring. The Color Run in Ypsilanti! Can't wait! Peace and Blessings to you my friends.

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