Friday, February 8, 2013

Have a wonderful weekend.

A quick catchup, I have been busy. Work is crazy, getting up at 2 am, working til 4 or 4:30. Too bad I don't get paid better, and too bad those hours have gaps in between. I'm exhausted! I'm training for a 5k in May (I think). Color Run Ypsilanti! Yesterday, I did interval training walk/run 2.97 miles in 50 mins. I do better every time, faster, stronger. I am dedicated this time around. I have to prove to myself I can do this. God doesn't want me moping around because I don't like my body. I found two wonderful websites to help the process along. Inspiring quotes and aspirations, and keeping the beat!


So have a great weekend. Get inspired to do great things. I'm going to a woman's overnighter tonight at church. Fun with friends that I don't get to hang out with very often. We'll get back to doing more organizing, and transforming to being more healthy on Monday. Not to say that I'm going to quit for the weekend. But I will be out enjoying myself and not sitting in front of the computer.


  1. Hope you have a great overnighter with the girls ! Sounds like fun and time for inspiration!
    Love reading your blogs.
    Love you, Mom Woolley

  2. Thanks Mom! Miss you guys! Have a great week! xoxo
