Monday, February 11, 2013

Today just well might become my "someday"

Someday, I'll go back to eating healthy. Someday, I'll get more organized. Someday I'll...
Are you like me? Do you have a list of things that you need to do in your life? With each passing year my list is getting longer. I've decided to do a little set of miniseries blogs on some of mine. So I have broken my list down into the major categories first.
Seems a bit sparse, but then you think of the first category and start adding.
HEALTH: Spriritual, & Body
WEALTH: Financial Peace
HOME: Organization.
Okay, now we're getting somewhere.
HEALTH: Spritual. What do you believe? Do you study it daily? If you don't know what you believe, I would like to suggest you read a bible. Not sure if it's a real history or not? Do the research for yourself. I believe in order for your body to be healthy your mind has to be healthy. Meditation is a good place to start. Some of my favorite life improvement sites are here: Biblegateway,  Project Meditation. I challenge you to take a look inside yourself are areas in your life overflowing and others seriously lacking? Awonderful explanation of this philosophy I found in John Gray's book, "How To Get What You Want and Want What You Have." I have to say though my favorite self help guru has got to be my homeboy, Detroit's own, Dr Wayne Dyer. You can catch a lot of really helpful insights when he's on PBS's fund drive.
   Body. This is the real focus of my "Today is the day" attitude. I have been stuck at the same weight for over a year now, and I'm not liking that at all. I run/walk 2x a week now. I own a "Biggest Loser" DVD and WII game. IT'S TIME TO BREAK OPEN THE SEAL! I'm going to find and revamp my binder paying special attention to the "Fitness" section. There's two things you can do if somethings not working, throw it out and start over, or send it in for a complete overhaul. I'm doing just that. Friday I posted links to two of my favorite sites for motivation and tips and here they are again. Podrunner, Hasfit, and I'll add another one Body for Life. How can any of us think that we can just keep going like the energizer bunny if we don't have full batteries to begin with.
So I'm going to leave you today with those little tidbits. The "Binder" I spoke of is my master plan of everything in my life. It's an organizational tool I use to use regularly that I'm revamping to help with "Operation Organization" and I'll be back soon with ideas on the "Fitness" section. Body for life has some wonderful printables in their tools section also. So remember this a blurp from hasfit, "There are 7 days in the week and someday isn't one of them."
Have a wonderfully blessed day my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Add to your Body, My Fitness Pal ;) love love love it
