Thursday, September 13, 2012

I realize today that I'm falling way behind in life. What have I been doing with myself...I have no clue. How can you work so hard to exhaustion and not get anything accomplished? Why do people who are running late, get mad at me? I didn't have anything to do with their decision to be late. Unless they were sitting here reading my blog instead of dialing in for their teleconference. Fat chance! So as far as I'm concerned they can bite me! Ok, ranting over. New direction, onward! Did you know that to repent, means to change your direction.  So I suppose I am repenting, my fibromyalgia (if that's really what I have) has been flaring up lately and I've been in a lot of pain. I think it's the change in the weather. My joints ache, my muscles scream, and still I carry on. A body in motion stays in motion after all. The chickens are doing well. I've been taking care of them this week. Poor Ven, I don't think she'll ever grow her feathers back. Maggie the shepherd did an awesome job of, guiding without biting, everyone back into the coop after they escaped the other day. My jaw hit the floor! I was thinking oh my, what a smart dog you are, and then I woke up the next morning to her pee stains on my bathroom carpet. I was thinking stupid so and so, but then thought again, brilliant! I mean really everyone else goes pee and poop in there, it's not her fault she doesn't know how to sit on the toilet.
Today I'm going to continue on with my processing of our harvest, Okra and maybe jalapenos. I have got to get downstairs and do laundry, clean out the fridge down there, and unpack a box or two. I totally had a lightbulb moment when I ran across a picture of a refabbed dresser. Check it out!
So then I thought, Cody's Room! Of course! He want's to join the NAVY and I have all this Navy memorabila from our time in. What better way to get it on display! Ten times better than trying to figure out a dirtbike theme.
Well it's time to head off to work. See ya soon, and thanks for stopping by.

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