Christmas, I hate to see you go. So many people in the world act a little nicer around Christmas. As the stockings come down, the count down board gets cleaned, the baking paraphenalia gets put back in the back of the cupboard, I ponder, is it possible to do a little Christmas something all year? Maybe this year I'll try. After all, I still am working on getting my holiday cards out. (smh) Maybe I'll make them into Valentines cards. So as I box up and move Christmas back to the basement, I'll bring up the Valentine's day box. One cute little box, it's not much but then again, I don't undecorate my house to decorate for Valentine's, like I do for Christmas. Love, it's the most important of our emotions.
So for the next month or so I want to take my organizing on a Love Journey. I want to love God first, then others. It's a little daunting with my resolutions fresh in my head, it's a veering from the path I set myself on for sure. For a while now I've been screaming (inside) "I need ME time!". Then God set me straight. I had an epiphany. Our own Woodland Shores Baptist Church children's minister, Dolly, illustrated to the children how when you have God in your life and you put him first, everything else fits. She did a wonderful spin on a classic science experiment, this time using a canning jar, 22 marshmallows, and 1 cup of rice. It made me reflect on the whole "ME" thing, and I realized. If I fill my life up with God and live for him, he'll make sure that I am taken care of. He will pour his love into the areas of my life where I don't even know I need them. The alternative, is for me to try to to measure out the what's, and the where's and fill them myself. Experience tells me that always ends badly. I am not saying to blindly go through life doing good and loving God and others first...oh wait, yes I am. More on this epiphany later, but suffice it to say, God first, God last, God always, and as long as your listening to him and being obdient to him the rest will fall into place. It's all about Love after all.
Love: Valentines: Organize
I don't usually blog about food, but this caught my eye on pinterest this year and I thought, "How cute, and healthy!" So here is a nice sweet treat for the Valentine's season that is a little healthier than a box of chocolates. Valentines Jelly Pops.
My organization challenge this week is to continue organizing my household paperwork. I must admit, I am curious about the little scanner that automatically files your papers. I can't justify the Benjamins it costs though. Especially now that we're back on track with our Baby Steps. Yep, that's also top of my hit list this week. Finances. Then I have to read and understand this insurance stuff. That is what I plan on doing, but it's not written in stone. So I'll plug along with my crafts and organizational goals. Fit in a little personal fitness and health. I'll blog it when I can. Pardon the mess while I constuct a more efficient page. I'm still working out this whole blogging thing, and I forsee it getting a whole lot better this year. Hopefully you'll stick around through the growing pains and will still be here when the butterfly emerges.
Update on the whole, "Are you done with this." placecard. Yeah, um, failed miserably. Bob came out of the bathroom, threw it in my lap, said, "No I was charging it." He was referencing his clippers, which for a week now has been sitting on the bathroom counter, plugged in. Then he inquired about where those placards were so he could dish them out for me. I knew that was coming, and I was ready with a witty comeback. Back to the drawing board on that problem. There's got to be a solution, asking them doesn't work. I get that blank look, and a nod, or a prerecorded automatic response. I've debated creating boxes for the three little messes in my house and just start putting their stuff in there that's laying around. Then I thought, "Nope, I don't have boxes big enough, or a nice way to "not" display them." If you've any thoughts or ideas on this matter, I'd appreciate them.
Wherever you are, and whatever you're doing today, and however you're feeling, know that God love's you. His love is amazing. I may know you, I may not, but know that I'm praying for everyone that reads this blog. May you all feel his love and peace.
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