So had to take a little while off to tend my beautiful daughters graduation. It turned out wonderful and thank you to all who were able to come, and those who sent well wishes. I appreciate my family, blood relatives and extended you are all terrific!
Putting away the empty bowls, leftover decorations in anticipation of Cody's graduation in 2 years, and trying to find all the stuff that I stashed in out of the way nooks and crannies around the house. (if I can remember them all)
Time to straighten up my closets that I worked so hard on. Remember that when you do a major reorganizing project that it's important to go back, straighten it up and maybe change what's not working.
I'm finding that I'm really not too happy about spending more of my check on healthcare and getting mediocure service at the doctors office. I think we all need to stand up against that famous reschedule in 3 months and seriously asking if it's necessary. You'll get the weirdest look from the doctor, but then really they don't know how to answer it. If medically there is something that they need to check in 3 months than by all means do it. However, if, like me, you have an issue that they can't really help with (tremors) and they just want to know if you want to be medicinally treated or if it gets worse then don't waste your money.
Here is the dragonfly I made for the "Restore" what a great place to get craft supplies!
So I went to the local Restore by Habitat for Humanity here and talked to the manager about craft ideas. I asked if I had a good idea if I could run it by him and he liked it, then he would supply me with enough items to make two, then I'd bring one back to him for the store to display. He loved the idea and this is the first thing I made for him. Now I have to finish a pet bed out of a drawer! With the weather being so great though I've been working outside a lot, trying to save on money in the long run from our veggie garden.
The garden is just about complete, there are some plants that need replaced and a few more empty spots to fill but it's getting close. Now weeding is a completely different subject, we'll be doing that until well into harvest. What a great workout every other day or more! I'm forever asking friends, would you like to come over and do some squats and finger dexterity exercises? Alas, none take me up on it, but I'm ok with that because this chick is going to have awesome glutes and one heck of a tan by the end of summer.
The beginning of the summer has seen the death of some of our beautiful chickens, I'm sorry to report we are down to eleven. The coyotes are absolutely horrible this year and I am putting a chicken tractor into the planning phase. Along with that project I need to add to my honey do list a compost bin made out of pallets and a chile roaster for harvest. If any of you have ideas shoot me a message.
Still at the top of my list is getting closer to God because I believe that a closer relationship to him and our own development into caring, kind, and loving people is the reason we're here. With that I bid you farewell for now. Until next time!
Take care all.